When you’re learning to be a savvy online sex dater, you’ve got to learn to start sniffing out clues from the moment you first click on the site link. If you’re paying attention when you land on Be Naughty’s home page, a couple of things will stand out to you. Number one, while they use attractive models, the layout is so basic, it looks like it was put together by a middle school student. The second thing is that while there’s a sign-up box that makes it appear to be a sex dating site, at the bottom of the page, the only thing they mention are chat rooms. In fact, they mention chat rooms three times. Chat rooms are a great feature for a sex buddy site to have, but they should be just one feature in a long list. Are you logging on just to chat? Or are you seeking in person sex dating?
Be Naughty Never Moves Beyond Its First Impression
All guys want to believe that even if a sex dating site doesn’t make a great impression, maybe it will deliver something better once they’re inside. You may want to believe that, but it’s rarely true. This is how men get suckered into paying for memberships to sites that never end up getting them laid. If a site won’t shell out the money to make a good first impression, what makes you think they would invest anything in ensuring that their members have a good experience? They won’t. They’re cheap. They’re lazy. And all they care about is getting your money. They want to get rich, not make sure their members find sex. Be Naughty did not prove to be an exception to this rule.
What About Those Chat Rooms?
Be Naughty advertises chat rooms, and we can’t say they don’t deliver on that front. They sure do have chat rooms… Chat rooms full of horny men. Chat rooms with hundreds of webcam girl sites trying to lure you into clicking on outside links, where you’ll pay to wank off in front of a girl on camera. Chat rooms with escorts who would be willing to meet up for sex, but only in exchange for money, of course. They’ve got chatrooms full of everything that ruins a sex dating site, and none of the elements that make it a place you’d want to be.
Where Are All the Real Women?
If you’re wondering where all of the real women are, the simple answer is: not on Be Naughty. They probably take one look inside those pathetic chat rooms and get out of there as quickly as possible. No real woman with even an ounce of self-respect would waste her time on this website. Heck, apparently, even the ones with no self-respect won’t hang out there, because our testers did not encounter even a single real woman during their time on this site. The real women are hanging out on classier sex dating sites that have more to offer. They’re going to the sites where they know they can find decent guys for no strings sex quickly and easily. If you’re smart, you’ll do the same.
Be Naughty Conclusion
Be Naughty is a ghost town. It’s like some sort of bizarre, post-apocalyptic sex dating wasteland, where the only survivors are webcam girls, hookers, and sleazy, desperate men. Presumably, you’re not sleazy and desperate, and you’re not looking for webcam girls or hookers. Guys, be forewarned, this site is a complete and total waste of money. If you’re so horny you’d settle for a webcam girl experience tonight, just go directly to those sites and pay for it. Don’t pay for a sex dating site, then pay for the webcam girl site on top of that. And if you’re horny, but you’re holding out for real sex, please don’t fall into the trap of thinking that you’ll find it here. Your time would be much better spent on legit sex buddy sites like Fuckbook or Social Sex. If Be Naughty is good for anything, it’s only to show you that when it comes to sex dating sites, you can usually trust your first impressions. A cheap looking site isn’t going to deliver anything worthwhile.

Tags: BeNaughty review, casual dating, does BeNaughty work, is BeNaughty a scam, is BeNaughty legit, is BeNaughty real, Sex buddy site, sex dating